Over the last 15 years of improving smiles I've made a habit out of asking the question, "Why do you want to improve your smile?"
Usually people say the standard, "I don't like the way it looks", and then they go into the detail of what they don't like about their teeth. Sometimes people surprise me with the reasons they want to make a change.
Here are some of the reasons people give me for wanting to make a change:
- Not liking the way specific tooth/teeth look
- Not feeling confident because of how something looks or not wanting to smile in photographs.
- Not being able to clean effectively due to crooked teeth
- Not being able to clean effectively and/or smile due to many old, leaky, unaesthetic, fillings
- Teeth have been worn down excessively
- They desire to have a more youthful appearance
- They feel that their teeth/smile are holding them back at work/socially
- They feel that their teeth/smile don't match their persona/lifestyle
- To improve headaches/snoring
There are so many ways we can help people who want to make a change, and I always enjoy hearing the unexpected benefits people notice once their treatment is complete. It is not unusual for people to tell me that their dental improvement experience is life changing! They report improvements in confidence, social and work improvements and so much more - even when these things were NOT the original reasons for them to seek treatment in the first place! Do you think the gentleman on our website's home page www.MadisonSmileSolutions.com noticed that people treated him better once his teeth were fixed? He was so happy!
Patients are often surprised that we can work within their budget to make these dental improvements. If you know of anyone looking to make a dental/smile change then we would love to help them. Give us a call 608-227-7000.
It is so gratifying to be able to help people make a change that impacts their lives in such remarkable ways. It's one of the main reasons I enjoy being a dentist.
Dr. Kaveh Ghaboussi, DMD